Friday, June 29, 2007 WooHoo!! I'm going to travel again this weekend. Taking an 8 hour bus ride to Ooty (located in the South India) tonight. Hehe.. More information on Ooty => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ootacamund Will be checking out the sun rise, trekking the botanic garden and plantation, boating on lake, and shop @ the bazaar. Hehe.. Oh.. And possibly horse riding too!! Exciting! Will post the pictures when i come back on Sunday morning. =p 6:47 PM Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Visited Hampi, a village located in the northern Karnataka, last weekend with a group of interns. Hampi is also known as the City of Ruins. My first time visiting historical buildings which dated back to the 15th century. Great experience! Hampi is a beautiful place with lots of monuments, especially temples. The train ride from Bangalore to Hampi took around 8 hours. Very exciting. It's my first time travelling with people whom i have known only for 5 days and i get to sleep in a "sleeper" train! Came back on Sunday morning and i went "gai gai" in the evening again with Dai, Yuan and Fu Hsiang to Bangalore's "Orchard Road" on that same day. 2:47 AM Friday, June 22, 2007 Just came back after watching a movie in town. I would say.. India is not as bad as i thought it would be. No pungent smell and no food poisoning. =) Indians here don't stink @ all. In fact they are very nice and hospitable, they treat you like a VIP! When i first touch down in Bangalore (India), i'm really scared and traumatised by the local crowd @ the airport. No more Andrea, Justin and Joyce travelling with me, no more Katie to fetch me from the airport, no more Wing to accompany me to sleep @ night. I'm all alone in an unfamiliar territory. The only thing that i could do was to pray. Pray for journey mercy, pray for boldness, pray for the favour of man, pray for peace in my heart. I prayed while on my way to the Infosys hostel. I prayed every night before i sleep. God answered my prayer. God is good all the time, and all the time He is good! Amen! I met a Singaporean who studied in US and is interning in Infosys too. Though with the American slang, he can still speak our Singaporean eccent (with the diff dialects). He quoted, "You can bring a Singaporean out of Singapore, but you can't bring a Singapore out of Singaporean." He is a smart guy and very vocal in his words. Came from top JC, tan skin and quite sporty. Sound like someone we know right, HK gang? But he is different from him. Cos he is more humble and respect girls, and definitely cuter. haha! =) I made alot of new friends from all over the world, which include people from US, France, Mexico, China, Taiwan, India, Philippines, Spain etc etc. And some of them were post-graduates, highly intelligent people. It is my honour to know them. Imagine, if im interning in Singapore right now, then I would have miss out all these great opportunities and excitement to meet people from diverse backgrounds and experience all these life happening events. Well.. If i would have to choose a country for my internship again, i would still choose India. =) The food that i ate on the first day of work ![]() My room.. Bigger than my hostel in HK. lol! ![]() Last words before i go to bed... (It's 2.20am in india!!) People in Singapore and Hongkong, I miss and love you guys lots lots lots x 999!!! =p 4:08 AM Sunday, June 17, 2007 I received a parcel from Hong Kong this afternoon. It's from Wing, my roomy!! Woo hooo!! Im so so surprise!! It was from Hong Kong and it arrived 1 day before i fly off to India. Good timing, Wing! lol! Thank!!! *hugz* Got my cousin to pose with the picture frame. =p ![]() A closer look @ the picture.. It is a hand drawn-carved picture from Wing!! Incredible! So professional! So creative! So pretty!!!!!!! Wing you are so sweet!!! I'm so touched!!! ![]() Wing drew the picture from this photo that was taken during the 3rd High Table Dinner in HK. Look alike right?? Pro!! ![]() Thank Wing! You brighten up my day! *Muackz* 1:31 AM Friday, June 15, 2007 Agggghhh.. I forgot something... I also miss taking pictures in HK! Lol! Especially the times where Justin 自拍 all of us with his long hand. =p He is PRO!!! He is SKILLED!! He is JUSTIN!! And I miss the "1,2,3" shots tt i took with Joyce, Katie and Wing too!! =p 1:53 AM I realize something... Though i'm busy meeting up with friends and packing my luggage for the India trip, I still miss Hong Kong...... Every conversation with my friends and family is about Hong Kong and the friends that i met there. I miss Andrea, Justin and Joyce. I miss the time that we cook together, get lost together in Central, shopping cheapo stuff in Mongkok. And those time that we club together in "Hei Hei", one of the disco in Lan Kwai Fong and also the funny little thing that we did in Starr Hall. Haha! And also the nagging session conducted by Andrea, Joyce and I, to encourage Justin to drink more water and put on his lip bums. lol! I also miss JC, Paul, Nian Long, David, Jiafu, Liying and Elaine. The time that we went oversea together in Macau, Taiwan and also those few dinner sessions where we cooked Bak Ku Teh, Sambal Kang Kong, Ayam Fish together. So fun! And the games that we played during Chinese New Year. (ya.. And we are always sabo by xxxx.. lol!) Oh, and i miss Sijie too. Miss those "complaining" session that we had in Shenjing and @ the Westwood supermarket. Haha! Miss her motherly care and love.. hehe.. I miss buddy and roomy. I miss talking to someone @ night till i fall asleep. i miss the daily morning and night greeting from my roomy. I miss my buddy's laughter and smile. I miss naggin people to take vitamin C. I miss hearing these words, "Ho Ar!", "Buddy buddy!", "Xi Dan", "Mo Xiong Gong". lol! I simply miss the life in Hongkong... So happy. So carefree. So fun. WEi.. All "Hong Kong" pple, remember our appointment k? We are going to meet on the 18th of August, Saturday @ Sentosa in Singapore, to celebrate Joyce and Justin's birthday!!! Miss u guys lots!!! 1:01 AM Monday, June 11, 2007 Message to Katie (Buddy) ------------------------- Buddy buddy!! Wei… Though I didn’t get to taste your cooking, though we didn’t go hiking for the last time and had our last dinner together, all due to time constraint, but the memories that you left in my life for these past 5 months is enough for me to live with no regrets. Thanks for spending time with me, showing me around the island and even be my photographer when my friend is in town. You are more than a buddy but a good friend. Thanks for the little things that you have done for me. Appreciate it a lot. Know something, throughout my stay in HK, I met you every weeks except the exam week. I bet, there is no other buddies who would meet their buddy almost every week. And they won’t bring them to so many places and always think of them. Also, you are everybody开心果, always smiling and cheery. Like our friendly 小妹妹。=) Though innocent, but you are very independent and fast to learn. Keep it up! Take care, my dear buddy, love you lots. Perhaps like what you said last night, we’ll meet again in 1 or 2 years time. =) *hugz* Bye bye! Message to Wing Yi (Roomy) ------------------------- Morning Wing, By the time, when you see this message, I will be in Singapore. I just wanna say thank you for being such a nice roomy. I feel so blessed after hearing stories from my other Singaporean friends about their roomy. Know why? Cos… 1. My roomy doesn’t stink but she smells very nice. 2. My roomy doesn’t snore. 3. My roomy is not irritating. 4. My roomy is not a weirdo. 5. My roomy will buy me chocolate. =) 6. My roomy is not lazy like me. Hehe.. 7. My roomy is neat and tidy. 8. My roomy will go to the extend to buy me liang cha even though it is pouring heavily outside. 9. My roomy is my gym partner. 10. You meant what you said. You won’t “fly aeroplane”. Thanks roomy. I meant what I said just now, you will always be my best roomy and perhaps the “worst” (Just joking!), cos I won’t stay in hall again, and thanks for the wonderful time that we had like chatting in wee hours at night before we fell asleep, exercising in the gym, the crazy pictures that we took during the high table dinner. I appreciate the effort that despite your busy schedule, you still try to squeeze some time to fellowship with me. Thanks Wing. Love you lots!! *hugz* Bye bye! Message to everyone in HKU --------------------------- Hehe.. Ok I won't forget you guys too, AJJ, JC, Ah rain, Liying, Sijie, Elaine, Feon, Niang Long, David, 16/f floormates etc etc.. Thanks for making this exchange trip an enjoyable one. Love you guys too. Take care! Delicate this song to all my friends in HK (Yes.. Wing.. This is the song that we sang just now in KTV. Lol!) 歌曲:再见 歌手:张震岳 专辑:再见 我怕我没有机会 跟你说一声再见 因为也许(就)再也见不到你 宁愿我要离开 熟悉的地方的你 要分离 我眼泪就掉下去 我会牢牢记住你的脸 我会珍惜你给的思恋 这些日子在我心中永远都不会抹去 我不能答应你 我时候会再回来 不回头 不回头的走下去 6:36 AM Monday, June 4, 2007 Went to Ocean Park with the Singaporeans and Katie yesterday (Sunday). Despite of the glaring hot weather, we still enjoyed the thrilling rides. Well, if you compared Ocean Park and Genting, I would say Genting is better in terms of the thrill level. Anyway, cos of the whole day outing, I missed the entire Emerge Sunday service. I didn't watch a single church service online this week. Heard that my cluster won for the POS again! Good job guys! And heard my cgm Erika came in 2nd for the Talentime!! Wow!! Erika, u rock! I'm so proud of you! Too bad i wasn't in Singapore, else i would definitely scream and cheer for both my cluster and cgm. hehe.. 2 days more b4 my family comes to HK, 5 days more to my final paper and 6 days left in HK. And my stress level increased drastically after an hour or so discussion on the exam paper with Andrea and Justin just now. Realise that i know nuts about the module and i have to do tonnes of reading again. On the verge of failing. Sian... Got to buck up and study hard these few days. Gonna call upon my Boss in Heaven to help me! One of my all time favourite bible verse. "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive" - Matt 21:22 1:20 AM Saturday, June 2, 2007 Thank Wing for the cheat sheet last night. It saved Andrea and I the hassle and time from compiling a pile of notes into a 1 page 2 sided cheat sheet. It was not her obligation to help me with the sourcing of cheat sheet, but she did. Thank babe. And guess what I saw this afternoon in the exam hall? Alot of students held the same cheat sheet that i was holding. Wow.. The power of networking... Anyway.. I'm getting bored with the departure count down. Going to scrape off that idea. I'll just change post the things that i'll miss in HK as and when i feel like it. No more counting down.. I'm going to miss my room, 1606. What more can i ask for especially when i have a nice view of the scenery and a friendly and well-mannered roomy. hehe.. 11:22 PM Friday, June 1, 2007 我的floor最近来了两个不熟之客,小强A和小强B。它们的到来带给我的floormates很大的惊吓。有的floormates吓得大声喊叫,有的躲在房间不敢出来。其实我和floormates们一样也蛮怕它的,可是看到她们都比我还怕,我不禁勇敢了起来。hehe.. 我的roomy也是很勇敢。她刚刚用slipper打昏了一只小强B,而我用dustpan压扁它,然后我的另一个floormate把它推进toilet bowl,再把它给flush走。这样我的floor又天下太平了。haha! Note: 小强A和小强B = Cockroach 1 and Cockroach 2 Pardon me if there is any chinese spelling mistake. I'm trying my utmost best to improve my chinese. hehe.. Thank Phoebe (my floormate) and Andrea for vetting. =p 3:15 AM |
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