Thursday, May 31, 2007 Was out with Justin and Andrea for dinner just now. Had my delicious pork noodle in "Chao Yuan" and ate dessert again. hehe.. Getting fatter and fatter. While on our way back to hall, both Andrea and I freak out when we realised that next Sunday will be our last day in HK!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh... So fast!!! Though i was counting down on my blog and MSN, i didn't realise it was next SUNDAY!!! I'm still in my own lala land.. *faint* my holiday ending soon! And i have so many things yet to do.. I don't want to go back... :~( Things not yet done: 1) More shopping.. hehe.. =p 2) Taste Katie's home cook food 3) Have a meal @ Wing's place 4) Go to the beach 5) Explore other parts of HK 6) Club for the last time in Lan Kwai Fong 9:01 PM As all of you have guessed, i had been bz mugging for my this afternoon paper thus i wasn't online yesterday. Well... How was my first paper? It was a big time flop! Feel like a total failure. Never feel that way in SMU before after an exam. Not even in my worst subjects like FA and MA. This investment paper was a killer paper, it demoralise me utterly. I did put in the effort to study for that module, but i still struggle during the exam on the math and theory part. Faintz~.. so miserable... I'm doubting on my capability now. Should i continue to pursue my 2nd major in Finance, or should i just drop it, and graduate next semester in December? Sianz.. A few days ago, I was talking to Crystaline about taking Master of Science in Finance .. Gish~ i should forget about it and pursue my career in IT ... Time for "self-consoling" theraphy 1) Everyone taking the same paper will do badly as well, you are not the only one. 2) Come on, you are on an exchange. Whats the big deal of failing? It won't affect your GPA. The most you just have to retake it in SMU again. 3) Life is full of failures and that is where u learn to stand up and be stronger in the future. 4) Take a break, have a Kit-Kat (chocolate). DengZ~... whatever... It is all over... 2 more papers to go. Item #4 & 5 tt i'm sooooo.. going to miss.... The roasted goose in Shen Jing. Why? Cos it tastes delicious... ![]() The pork chop noodle in "Chao Yuan" (One of the cafe restaurants) ![]() The noodle comes along with sandwich, scramble eggs and milk tea. All for just $4 SGD. Cheap right? ![]() 5:09 PM Tuesday, May 29, 2007 I'm a v lazy pig. Wing has to wake me up a few times before i finally get up from my bed, changed up and head to the gym with her. Guess without my roomy, i won't have the motivation to work out every week. hehe.. Thanks Wing!! Received an unexpected call from Katie this afternoon. She said she wanna see me!! Wow.. I'm very honour, cos I'm the first person that my buddy want to see after her last paper. hehe.. Thanks Katie! Lol! Appreciate that! Continuing with the series of things that i'm going to miss in HK. Item #3 tt i'm sooooo.. going to miss.... EGG TART!! Too bad i don't have any photos for that. But i do have the photo of the famous egg tart shop in HK. hehe.. Its located in Soho, HK Island. It's nice because of the crust, very err.. dunno how to describe.. ya.. u noe.. and even the ex HK governor is a patron of the shop. ![]() 9:22 PM Monday, May 28, 2007 My dear Willy Joe and Evelyn is very mischievious these days.. Haven't seen them for 5 months and they become so cheeky . Wonder what are they up to lately... Anyway... I receive a small gift from my roomy, Wing today. A bottle of Vitamin C and Kinder Bueno. hehe.. I guess the reason why she gave me the chocolate because of this... My "Superpass Greeting" from Wing ![]() "要你肥过我" = want me to be fatter than her. Lol! *Just kiddin* She bought chocolate for me cos she noes i like to eat chocolate. hehe.. Thanks Wing! *muackz* Item #2 tt i'm sooooo.. going to miss.... ![]() "Yum Cha" @ a chinese restaurant! I love the "bao" here, especially the one that has egg yolk inside. Yum yum! Hehe.. Not even the best Tiong Bahru "Cha Shao Bao" in Singapore can beat this "Bao" (dunno what the exact name..). Lol! ![]() 8:56 PM Sunday, May 27, 2007 Decided to take a 30mins break from studying cos I'm totally distracted by the "flying thing" and Willy's blog. Lol! My cell group is getting more and more happening. I'm going to meet alot of new faces in the CG when im back in Sg.. in... err.. 2 weeks time. I'm so excited! And i'm gonna b bz for that short 6 days before i fly off again. Gonna meet Crystaline, Lisa, Hazel, my sec sch friend, CG, settle my bank stuff, meet the SMU OCS guy, collect debts.. etc etc.. ya.. tonnes of things to do.. Going back to my bz life with my crazy friends soon... Back to reality, no more slack life... =( Hmm.. I decided to make this count down departure an interesting and meaningful one. I'm going to blog 1 item tt i will miss in HK every day b4 i head back to Sg. hehe.. Item #1 tt i'm sooooo.. going to miss.... ![]() Ya.. I'm going to miss the dessert here!! I don't like the dessert in Sg.. Cos they are all full of beans, n beans n more beans... (red, green, black beans... yucks!).. don't like the beans.. don't like "ice-kachang".. dun like "tao shuang".. only like ice lychee in Sg cos it is fruit. lol! Hk diff, their desserts are make up of diff fruits. hehe.. i like it. Like the one below the best cos it has 5 汤圆 filled with mango inside, and it has mashed mango "sauce" on the outside with pomelo as the garnish. All my favourite!! Lol! ![]() 10:52 PM DARN! My room is invaded by those stupid flying INSECTS!!!! Arggg!! 1 fell onto my arm, the other one on my neck!! WTH! I hate them!! Arrggg... *paraniod* 8:38 PM Saturday, May 26, 2007 Gish.. I haven't update the blog for so long. Was simply too busy to blog and go shopping this 2 weeks. =( After entertaining my dearest friend, Fang Yu, from 11th to 15th May, i'm then busy with my 3 term papers, Economic History of China, Asian Financial Institution and Architecture!! I had tonnes of reading to do and thousands of words to write. Thank God that my exam don't fall on the same date as my term paper dateline, else i'll have to ask my boss in heaven to create a miracle, expand my time, and bless me super ingenious brain power to memorize all the facts and figures. hehe.. Ps: To my dearest CG members.. Below is my exam time table. Must pray for me to at least pass all my papers k? I don't want to repeat modules in SMU.. =)            31st May - Investment and Portfolio Analysis            2nd Jun - Asian Financial Institution            9th Jun - Economic History of China Notice something my dear CG member?? The reason why i can't come back to Singapore earlier to attend the Emerge Conference because my exam fall on the same date!! Diao~... Oh well.. I will still watch the conference online, you guys have fun! Best 3 pictures that i took with Fangyu during her visit. The big Buddha in Lantau Island ![]() Katie, the photographer of the day was with us in Stanley Bay ![]() Professionally taken by Katie ![]() 3:46 PM Sunday, May 13, 2007 First of all, i wanna thank both Wing (Roomy) and Katie (Buddy) for blogging about me these few days (dun believe? check their blog...). lol! Feel so honour and loved by the Hongkonger. Gish.. Their actions will make me feel even more "emo" when it is time for me to part with them. Will definitely miss them badly when i go back, just like how i miss my family and singaporean friends when i first came to HK.. well.. 世界上没有不散之宴席... (Eh.. Buddy and Roomy, my chinese not bad rite? lol!) Will continue to enjoy my last few weeks of stay in HK. =p * Extracted from Wing's blog. * ![]() * Extracted from Katie's blog. * ![]() Fangyu is in Hongkong right now. And staying 3 storeys above me. Brought her to many places including Causeway Bay, Mongkok, Avenue of Stars, Central, Victoria Peak, Lan Kwai Fang and my school, HKU too. lol! She bought alot of things (from top to bottom) and the best thing is, all the items are less than $20SGD. Lol! Shop till we drop. So tired~... Ever since she came on Friday, i don't experience insomnia anymore. Thank God for that. Hehe.. Anyway, another 2 more days of "holiday" before i start mugging. =p 9:50 PM Thursday, May 10, 2007 I went to AJJ's room @ around 1230am this morning just to pass them the red lettering!! Lol! Thank God they are still awake. This is AJJ and Buddy reaction when they received the red letter.. Lol! Smile Andrea!! ![]() Joy.. Why are you so sad?? ![]() At least Justin is smiling.. ![]() Hmmm... Seems like only buddy like the red lettering that i wrote for her. Hehe.. ![]() Any lastly, to conclude the "Super Pass" dinner.. I LOVE 16th floor!! ![]() 9:20 PM Firstly, I wanna say.. "Happy Birthday to my BEST friend, Lin Fangyu!" It is her xxxth birthday. We have known each other for more than 10 years since secondary school time and gone through thick and thin together. Well.. hope she has a great time today. And stay pretty always!! =) And and.. She is coming to Hongkong tomorrow, 11th of May!! Woo hoo! So excited! lol! I can be "pampered" by her again. (ya.. Crystaline, i know what you are thinking.. I'm acting like a kid again.. wahaha! =p) A few hours ago, i had a "Superpass" floor dinner in my floor. We had pizza in the pantry first, then proceed to "Superpass" ceremony, and lastly the "Red paper" writing (I dunno what is that called in chinese. My bad..) "Superpass" ceremony is a HKU tradition. Every semester, the HKUers will chop a roasted pig before the exam starts. It symbolizes passing the examination with flying colours. Dear piggy piggy.. ![]() The ceremony starts... 1) First we have to untie the strings that are tied to the pig. At the same time, our floor will rep distribute the red packet to us. Check out the video for the meaning of the red packet. 2) The floor rep has to cut the pig into half. It is auspicious to do so, else our floor will not pass the exam with flying colours. 3) Then my turn to chop the pig... My "virgin" pig-chopping is given to Starr Hall 16/F.. lol! Pss.. Have to split the meat into half, else i won't be able to pass with flying colours! 4) After everyone gets their share of chopping the pig, we then have to cut it into smaller pieces and prepare the sauce. ![]() 5) Yup! And we start eating the roasted pig. Ho Mei ahh!! (Very delicious!) ![]() We have the chinese writing after that. I must admit, i can't write alot of chinese characters. I'm very bad @ it. And my handwriting sucks! But.. That doesn't stop me from writing chinese letters for AJJ, my roomy and my buddy. Hehe.. See what i wrote for them. hehe... A) Justin ![]() B) Joyce ![]() C) Andrea ![]() D) Wing (Roomy) ![]() ![]() E) Katie (Buddy) ![]() I used up alots of brain cells to create all these wordings. Not bad eh?.. Haha! See what my floor mates and roomy wrote for me. ![]() I like this one best. From my dearest roomy.. ![]() Yup! She is my 人肉alarm clock. "Quin Hei Sum ah"!! =p 12:47 AM Friday, May 4, 2007 Continue... with the High Table Dinner... Introducing my floor mates.. Starr Hall 16/F pretty babes! Special collage collection for my dear roomy, Wing. Hope you like it! =p ![]() Gish.. Waste alot of time on all these photos.. Got to start mugging now. 2 tests next week!!! Diao~... Jiayou everybody! 10:31 PM Thursday, May 3, 2007 My last high table dinner in HKU was awesome! Had lots of fun and took lots of pictures with my floor mates. Must grab hold of every chance that i can to enjoy my stay in HK before i leave.. Time is running up ... Another 30++ days and i have to say "Bye bye" le.. Gish.. Getting emo when i thought of leaving this place, this room, this hall, n the HK friends around me... =( High Table Dinner Before High Table Dinner @ 5.30pm - We were fooling around in the corridor.. ![]() @ 6.15pm - Some of us are done with our preparation and ready to go.. ![]() And some of us are still busy with our makeup. ![]() @ 6.45pm - While waiting for the shuttle bus, we took a group photos. The 十六楼 PRETTY BABES! ![]() @ 7++pm - We reach the hotel.. ![]() During the High Table Dinner The hotel served western and japanese food. And I ate alot of smoke salmon. "Ho Sei" Ahhh... ![]() First performance of the day is... Dance performance by the Starr Hall Dance Team. ![]() Next, we have freestyle dancing by the 十六楼 babes! ![]() Yup! We are enjoying! ![]() After that we have prize presentation. Our unit (十六楼 and 十七楼) was awarded the smartest floors award. Lol! Felt so honour to be in the smartest floor, although i didnt play apart in it. Haha! ![]() Our boy (十七楼) was the soccer champion in Starr Hall! ![]() We had another round of amazing mini rock band concert by our very own Starr Hall band, Stargazer! ![]() Hehe.. And my floor mate, Loey is one of the band members. ![]() The finale song was self-composed by the Stargazer. Though i don't understand a single word that they were singing, but i could tell from the crowd that it was a funny and crowd-engaging song which was based on several events that happened in Starr Hall. All in all... Only 1 word to describe this High Table Dinner, "棒"! Part 2 coming up.... 2:33 AM I'll start bloggin about events that happened on last Monday, 31st April. Buddy came to my hall early in the morning and pass me a paper bag. ![]() Guess what is inside? ![]() 是爱心早餐呀! There is apple, pear, bread, "dan dan" all specially prepared by buddy. So sweet!!! I don't remember having a friend in Sg that will prepare such a fabulous breakfast before. lol! (Eh.. Friends in Sg.. Feel guilty or not?? Lol!) Bread with milk and peanut butter. My favourite! ![]() My first time trying "Dan Dan".. Hong Kong dessert. "Ho sei yeh"! ![]() At night, we went to HKU to watch Justin performed in the orchestra. We got him a sun flower and he love it very very much!! ![]() ![]() ![]() After that, we attended another concert. It was a christian concert held in the hall just beside Starr Hall. Andrea's buddy, Eunice, was part of the choir. Andrea and her buddy ![]() 1:32 AM |
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