Saturday, March 31, 2007 Mid term test... I forgot to bring my calculator for my Investment mid-term test this morning. I approached the TA for help, but sound more like being mock at instead. Thank God, in the end, the girl who sat beside me had an extra calculator. But still, I’m not familiar with it and ended up wasting lots of time trying to calculate every single “minor” equation. Anyway, thank God I managed to finish all the questions in the nick of time. Hmm.. Was supposed to be in "Sham Shui Po" with Katie to get a new handphone, but a "dramatic" event happened, and i ended up bloggin now. lol! Oh well.. I'll get my new handphone one day. Life without hand phone is so inconvenient. I don’t have an alarm clock anymore. But thank God for my roomy, Wing, she wakes me up this few days, and also provide “snoozing” service. (I tend to laze on my bed for quite sometime before I start preparing). Hehe.. Like Joyce, she also blessed me with a chocolate biscuit, cos I "studied" very hard this few days. Hehe… Thank Wing!!! 7:51 PM Thursday, March 29, 2007 Had a super bad headache just now and took 2 panadol extras. I guess it is due to the Starbucks signature chocolate that i drank yesterday. Too heaty for me. I always feel unwell after drinking Starbucks and Coffee bean. KNS... My HSBC PIN number is stored in my handphone. Lost my handphone.. Lost my PIN.. Can't withdraw $$!! KNS.. Went to the HSBC bank in HKU just now and they told me the bank don't provide any service to replaced my PIN since mine is a Sg account!! Arggg.. I have to contact the HSBC Singapore on my own.. Apparently, HSBC Hongkong and HSBC Singapore operate as a separate entity.. Hmm.. "The world's local bank"? i doubt so. Anyway.. will make a trip to HSBC headquarter in Central tml, hopefully they have a solution else i'm gonna survive on my miserable $3000HKD cash till Fangyu comes to HK in mid-May!!! KNS... And freak! I still have to buy a new handphone. KNS.. I just found out the examination dates for 2 out of my 3 papers. Freako! My last day of examination falls on the 9th of June, Saturday!! Freak! I'm going to miss Emerge conference! KNS... 1 month for me to study 3 papers. Kaoz.. I can't go back to Singapore earlier.. Boo hoo... I miss eating fish.. I want to eat the steam fish that my granny cook. I want to eat sting ray. Projects and term papers are piling up. Mid-term test this coming Saturday, but i don't feel super stress about it. lol! Perhaps I had enough training from Ah Boss in the past. All these are nothing as compared to last semester, the 4 to 6 weeks of hell. Enough of complaining, below are photos that i took with Elvis and SMU students from HK Polytechnic University on last Tuesday. We went to Tony and Roma @ Causeway Bay for dinner. ![]() From the left, Cheryl, Yuting(not sure if i got the name right), Joey, Me and Elvis ![]() ![]() Oh ya.. Got to thank AJJ (Andrea, Joyce and Justin) for preparing the salad tonight. I didn't help much but get to eat alot. Haha! And thank Joyce for blessing me a dark chocolate to cheer me up. Thank Babe! 10:25 PM Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Feel so lost and stun now.. I lost my handphone in HKU library.. Can't imagine someone STEAL my handphone when i left it "semi-unattended" on the table for 5mins to go to the washroom. "semi-unattended" because Justin was with me too. The last sentence i said to him while his back was facing me, "Look after my bag...." Only found out that i lost my handphone when I'm at Hak King Wong, trying to make a call to Andrea.. Feel like cursing and swearing now... But nothing come out of my mouth.. Made a "lost" report to the library.. and also to the HKU Security Guard. Doubt i would be able to retrieve my handphone since that culprit off my handphone. It is a theft case.. Trying to think rationally, consoling myself... What did i lose? 1)Nokia 6820, bought it last Novemeber/December and signed a 2yr contract with Singtel.. But.. it cost me only $99SGD. 2) All my contacts in the Hp. But.. I make a backup copy of my contacts before i left for HK. So in other words, i only lost all the Hongkong numbers. 3) A SIM card.. But thank God it is HK SIM card not my SG SIM card, and guess the value is only less than HKD$80 = SGD$16. Loss of Tangible asset = 99 + 16 = SGD$115 Sian... I'm going to be handphoneless for these few days.. I'll shop for new handphone on Saturday after my mid-term test, anyone wanna go with me??? 1:40 PM Friday, March 23, 2007 Had my high table dinner again. Thank God it ended earlier this time round. Took some pictures with AJJ and my pretty, gorgeous floor mate from US. Will post it when i get the photos from them. Was planning with Wing to go cycling at Taipo during the Easter holiday.. Explore the other part of HK together with AJJ and buddy. And guess what happen during my floor meeting just now, they mentioned that we are going to have a unit outing to Taipo!! It is going to be cycling cum bbq outing during the Easter holiday! Hooray!! I love cycling! Miss those good old days with my ubin/sunset bay kakis.. Ehh.. Sorry AJJ and buddy, we'll go somewhere else next time k? Err.. maybe to Kowloon? Hehe.. Oh ya!! I'm going to Planet Shakers live concert on the 12th of April too!!! Yeah!! So exciting! Joyce said that she is so happy that Planet Shaker is coming till she wanna cry.. hmm.. I'm not exaggerating.. she really said that. Btw... Anymore takers? So far Joyce, Elaine, NianLong and I will be going. Let me noe asap k? Then we'll book more tickets. =p 12:35 AM Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Very busy recently.. Bz with mid-term test and mapling. hehe.. Anyway.. Andrea and I cooked fried noodle for Joyce and Justin just now. V tasty.. Hmm... I finally understand my granny's feeling, the feeling of waiting for her grand children to come home for dinner. So 温馨 right? lol! Hmm.. make a mess in my pantry again.. bleh.. Oh well.. A champion is not someone who never fails, but someone who never quits. Practise makes perfect. I'll be more skillful in the future. =p Quick Summary on my Taiwan trip (15th March to 18th March) May miss out certain events due to short term memory... ![]() Day 1 - Check into Fu Zhuan Hotel in Xi Meng Ding Guess what was the first show that i saw on the TV? Porn.. Zzzz... Anyway.. The room was quite big.. enough for 2 queen size beds and ample space to walk around. ![]() - A quick lunch at a nearby restaurant - Went to the Huasi Night Market Not a recommended place to visit.. Alot of old people, hardly see any youth walking around in this night market. But we tried alot of street food. E.g. The dumpling, egg with vegetable and starch, oyster with eggs and starch, tea, and smelly toufu.. Day 2 - Breakfast at a restaurant Must try their breakfast. Delicious and cheap! - Took MRT and a bus to Jiu Fen Tourist place.. Other than its beautiful scenery.. the place sell lots of food especially those chinese 饼. - Went to Sogo in xxx (dunno what that place) Hmm.. my first time seeing a 电梯woman in the lift exactly like the one shown in the Japanese drama. ![]() - Shilin Night Market Met up with my Taiwanese friend, Joanne. Very sweet girl. She brought us around the market and treat us to Taiwan street food. [ Treat = Everything paid by her.. ] Thank Joanne! Bought a few clothings in the market too. Super cheap! lol! - Watched a movie, 300, in Xi Meng Ding Hmm.. violent show with some nudity.. The movie is not censored because i'm in Taiwan. Day 3 (shopping day) - Lunch at a restaurant - Sun Zhong San Memorial Hall - Taipei 101 This place sells all the expensive branded stuff. Anyway.. Had our dinner in the food court. Guess what i had for dinner then? I ate Singapore Bak Kut Teh!! But doesn't taste like Singapore style, too sweet already. lol! ![]() - New York New York Another shopping center. - Rouhe Night Market Another night market like shilin.. Lots of food stalls and cheap clothings. Hmm.. my definition for cheap = less than $20 SGD Day 4 (last day) - Walk around Xi Meng Ding - Back to Hong Kong!!! ![]() 9:41 PM Tuesday, March 6, 2007 Hur hur.. What have i been doing lately? Well.. Saturday - Study in the Main Campus library for more than 6 hours. Sunday - Church in the morning, then finish up my 2,500 words essay in my room Monday - Unit Dinner (Hot pot), then watch DVD. Definition 1) unit dinner => 16th floor (my floor, all female) + 17th floor (male floor) having dinner at a resturant. 2) Hot pot => Steamboat Now... I'm in the midst of doing my Investment project. Zzzz... The project is almost similar to a CAT project, but with complicated finance elements in it... Though the professor spoon feed us with a sample project, it is still not as easy as copying the codes and plug in the numbers.. zzz.. Brain rusty.. Hazel... Wru? Miss u alot siah.. Need your brain.. Definition 3) CAT => Computer as an Analysis Tool, one of the core modules in SMU. All about Microsoft Excel.. Ohh.. And need to thank my roomy, Wing.. Cos despite calling me lazy.. She still peel oranges for me to eat. hehe! Got to pray for her too, cos she is having rashes now... Get well soon, babe! 10:09 PM Friday, March 2, 2007 Went for a late dinner with Justin just now.. Guess what i ate? Japanese food! I love salmon sashimi.. But the salmon that the restaurant serve is super thick! Twice the size of a normal salmon serve in Sakae.. Eat till i feel so disgusted.. Gave the rest of the salmon to Justin eventually.. eee... yucky.. Guess i won't eat salmon for a month. Head down to the supermarket to do some grocery. Ok.. buddy.. You are right.. I found the 3-in-1 milo in "Park n Shop". Bought some can foods, cereals, milk and chocolate. Craving for chocolate these few days.. Not because i'm stress, but because I simply love chocolate! Can't live without chocolate. Euquin's Theory > A chocolate a day keeps the doctor away! =p Btw, Andrea and I look alike? Keith and Meiyun says we look alike.. What your comment? ![]() ![]() 11:31 PM Had my High Table Dinner on Wednesday. Super wierd... The restaurant is only a few steps away from my hall and we had to dress up in our formal. Before the dinner, i went to Ah rain's place to get Sijie's shawl.. This is Ah rain's room.. Super messy... Look at the pile of clothings.. Wonder if he washes them.. (Sijie's shawl is inside..) ![]() Anyway.. Thank Sijie for lending me the shawl!! *Muackz* "Kapo" these 2 photos from Andrea's blog. lol! ![]() ![]() Stella, my Korean classmate ![]() My floor mates ![]() Picture with AJJ and Justin's buddy, Katrina ![]() My photos with my roomy, Wing!! ![]() ![]() 1:45 PM |
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