Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Wanna delicate this post to my friends in HKU. Justin, Joyce, Andrea, Katie, Wing and Rain (aka Paul)... They are currently super busy with the school work that they hardly have anytime to meet me for dinner, chit chat with me etc, etc, etc... Always flooded with work... Well.. people, jiayou, 加油!Add more oil!!! Persevere on! We'll have our 1 week break soon, and then we can go Ocean Park and Taiwan!!! Kambateh! =p 12:09 AM Monday, February 26, 2007 CNY holiday over.. School started.. Another 2 more weeks and i'll be having another week break. Alot of school holidays this semester. Anyway.. Got to work doubly hard from now onwards. Less mapling and blogging, more studying... Doubt i have the time to study during those break, cos my friends and relatives are coming to HK, and i'm going Taiwan in March!! hehe.. February - Grace is coming to visit her friends, maybe i'll get to meet her. March - My little cousin, Desiree is coming. May/June - Ah girl (Fangyu) is coming to fetch me back to Singapore. lol! Hey friends, remember to bring some stuff from Singapore k? 1) Sambal chilli!! I want to eat sambal kangkong and stingray.. craving for that. 2) Buy packets of milo for me. I can't leave without my milo.. 3) I miss the Nasi Lemak too.. Like the one sold in SMU. 4) Stay healthy.. >> (Keith, that my CG prayer request.. thank!) 8:27 PM Sunday, February 25, 2007 Very lazy to blog these few days cos I have been hanging out with the NUS pple till late night. Interesting bunch of friends. ---------- Updates on 23rd Feb, Friday Super duper tiring day… Went to Macau with the SMU, NUS and Katie. Took an hour ferry ride from Sheung Wan Ferry Terminal in HK to Macau Ferry Terminal. Thank God, I didn’t suffer any motion sickness or hangover from this trip. Perfectly healthy, brought thicker clothing to keep myself warmth too. Visited a few tourist attractions place, and bought some Macau “tu chang”. ![]() ![]() ![]() Had a revelation after this Macau trip… how does the term “ugly Singaporean” came about? Oh well.. I don’t think Singaporeans are impolite when they are oversea, but rather sometimes under certain circumstances, you have no choice but to perform unglamorous actions. I personally experienced it. Experience #1 People pushing you because you are blocking their way. They don’t say “excuse me” or “借过”.. zzzz… Remedy: Nothing you can do. =( Experience #2 Someone snatched the taxi even though you are the one who flagged it down. Remedy: run fast enough to get into the taxi first. =p (Ps: This is not a “kiasu” act, but rather a way to ensure that you won’t have to wait for another 20mins to eventually get a cab.) Visited the casino too. Spend SGD$4 to play the jackpot. Well… The casino there is definitely much better than the one in Genting. At least the place is not smoky. =) Last comment about Macau, unless you are a gambler, else visit the place once will be enough. ------------ Updates on 22nd Feb, Thursday Yeah! Joycelyn was back in HK on Thursday morning. Ho hoo! We had our Singaporean “Lou Hei” at my hall in the evening. It was actually not as tedious as I thought to prepare the lou hei. Bought some fruits, carrots, raddish, cucumber, salmon, cups, champaign, disposable chopstick and steal cardboards from the supermarket. Peel and shreds the vegetables, and ta ta.. the lou hei is done! The atmosphere builds up at around 8pm when everyone (NUS, SMU and the locals) gathered around the table to lou the yu sheng. At last, I experience something so “Singaporean”. Lol! As usual, it was a mess… 1:50 PM Thursday, February 22, 2007 Reunion lunch with my dear CGL from Singapore on Tuesday. Had a hard time finding the mini bus to the Victoria peak. Don't know how to read the chinese words, and in the end took the wrong bus to the bus terminal, waste HK$1 (equivalent to SG$0.20). lol! Oh well.. learnt from my lesson, at least i know where is the mini bus terminal in Central now. =) Visited Daryl's place after the sumptuous lunch at a posh restaurant. (Got his permission before i post all these pictures...) To all my cg members, his house is much more bigger than Futura.. Can tell from the photograph right? Should come and visit one day. =p ![]() ![]() The living room with fireplace at the back. Look at the wide screen tv... It's bigger than our church one... ![]() ![]() Daryl's bedroom, and the hotel look-alike toilet. ![]() ![]() More photos are available here.. Last words.. Please don't harass Daryl k? Thank u! =p 1:17 AM Tuesday, February 20, 2007 HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! It has been a few days since i last blogged. Was very busy beginning from the CNY eve till yesterday. Busy eating, taking photos, meeting friends, squeezing through the crowds, etc etc.... CNY Eve Reunion dinner with a group of NUS and NTU friends from HKU. We had our traditional steamboat! ![]() Buddy was there to join in the fun too! See.. She is playing with my hair.. Faintz! So naughty! haha! ![]() See what buddy gave me? 2 artificial not flower look-alike, but like ping-pong ball plant.. whatever name it is.. haha! And also a CNY dunno wat.. haha! Thanks Buddy! ![]() My favourite.. We had our chocolate fondue! yum yum! ![]() After that we had a few rounds of mahjong.. Just playing.. no money involve. ![]() ---------- 1st day of CNY Called my parents and grandparents @ 11am. Wishing them a prosperous and a happy new year. 1st time hearing their voice after i left Singapore for so long. Miss them so much. *sob*.. 1st time spending CNY alone oversea.. well.. not that bad after all, the NUS and NTU pple are still around to accompany me. And also not forgetting our dear Justin, Katie and Feon. =) ![]() We continued with the steamboat that we didn't finish the day before. I started eating from 2pm to 530pm.. Super full... zzzz.... Went down to Tsim Sha Tsui to look at the parade. It's something like the Chingay in Singapore, except there are super super lots of people.. and also unfriendly policeman.. hur hur.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -------------- 2nd day of CNY Went for a day tour with Justin and Feon. We travelled to 2 islands, Cheung Chau Island and Lamma Island by ferry, and then end off the night by watching the CNY fireworks. Romantic yeah? ![]() ![]() ![]() Below is the itinery for the tour. Specially posted this schedule for buddy, cos she wanna know the programme. =p Btw.. the timing might be slightly different.. lol! 12++pm to 1:30pm - Left the Kowloon Pier (Dunno the exactly pier name.. 1:30pm to 2:30pm - Reached Cheung Chau Island. Free and Easy. 2:30pm to 4:00pm - Left for Lamma Island. 4:00pm to 6:30pm - Had our seafood dinner. 6:30pm to 8:30pm - Watch fire works in the ferry. It was drizzling and freaking cold when we were watching the firework in the ferry. Lazy me, didn't bring extra jacket and umbrella.. If buddy is around, she would definitely open her umbrella and shelter us from the rain. Anyway.. I never took such a long ferry ride.. Spent more than 5 hours rocking in the sea.. zzz.. Know what.. As im bloggin this post.. I'm feeling so dizzy again.. head spinning.. the exact feeling after the HK carnival.. motion sickness.. zzz.. Poor me.. Pray that i'll get well tml.. ![]() 1:07 AM Friday, February 16, 2007 2nd day without Andrea and Joyce.. Life in HK seems to be abit boring.. Though I'm mapling the whole afternoon today, but still feel bored... zzzz.... Thank God Justin is still around.. and he skip his band practise today.. hehe.. else we won't be enjoying a sumptuous Japanese dinner just now. ------ Went to the reunion dinner organized by HKU yesterday. The food is.. err... 麻麻地 (so so only) Lol! The "chun lian" that we wrote before the dinner... ![]() Buddy (Katie) wrote the "Euquin 大吉". Conclusion: Hongkongers and Mainlander can write better.. HK Flower Market @ causeway bay.. They sell more floats then flowers.. i didn't see any chinese sausage nor bah kua.. only HK local food... ![]() 10:30 PM Updates on the Vday.. Spent my vday with Andrea. We talk alot about our past bgr, how i made a fool of myself during vday, etc etc... haha! Sometimes i'm just wondering, how life would be like if i'm still attached. Oh well.. God's plan is always better than my plan.. Vday meal, super cheap.. less than $20 Appetizer - smoke salmon salad Main course - xxx French xxxx Sole (Can't remember the name, it's a fish anyway) Desert - a slice of cheeze cake and tea Still remember the SMU module, "Finishing Touch"? Which one is for the fish? ![]() The super big fish... ![]() Can't finish.. ![]() Went to look for buddy after dinner... She works in the restaurant next door. ![]() 10:04 PM Wednesday, February 14, 2007 The unexpected… Haha! guess what happened just now? After i finished blogging my last post... Justin knocked on my door!! He gave me a Godiva chocolate!! After a few minutes later, Joyce knocked on my door too! And she gave me a Morinaga chocolate!! Super super paisey (embarrass)! I didn’t get them anything beforehand… so guilty… Andrea and I happily went for dinner after class.. and totally forgot about them. Arrggg…. Sorry pals!! Sorry... Remedy… 40 minutes ago.. Andrea and I quickly went to the vending machine and got both of them some tibits, soya drinks and chocolate to satisfy our guilt. Hehe.. Sorry k? Btw.. Happy Valentine Day!!! 12:54 AM Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Inspired by AJJ (Andrea, Justin and Joyce), Katie (buddy), Wing (roomy), Katrina (Justin’s buddy), I decided to… cut my hair. Haha! Yesh.. I cut my hair. My personal grooming consultant and translator, Miss Andrea, was there to accompany me for my hair cut after our dinner. Thank God that Miss Andrea was there else I won’t be able to communicate with the hair stylist who somehow don’t speak Chinese nor English, only Cantonese… Btw.. Keith and Alan, I cut my fringe already k? Guess I should look much younger now… Don’t say I look old again ah.. haha! New hair cut, new beginning.. Time to start mugging and mapling.. lol! Btw.. Here is my HK address… (Ps: For my mummy to reference..) Rm 1606A Starr Hall 91B Pok Fu Lam Road, Pok Fu Lam, HongKong Island, HongKong ![]() 11:54 PM Monday, February 12, 2007 Always feel so guilty everytime i see my roomy studying while i'm bz msning and blogging. So guess what.. I started my first reading assignment last night. lol! Not bad for a good start right? I'm motivated to study more, msn less and start my mapling.. Did i say mapling? yesh! At last.. after some help from Justin, i managed to connect to MapleSEA. Wohoo! So happy! Now i can really play with jeanine, es88 and jedisoul. I have been waiting for this moment! =p Ok.. i know some of u going to nag at me again.. Rest assure i'll still study, won't fall asleep in class, and will continue to exercise. hehe.. =) Ohh.. My roomy's mum make yam cake for us (AJJE). Thank roomy, you are super sweet!! ![]() 9:36 PM Sunday, February 11, 2007 Went hiking at the Victoria Peak yesterday with the NUS, NTU, Mainland exchange students and of course not forgetting JJ (Joyce and Justin). ![]() Along the way.. up the peak.. we bump into someone… Guess who??? (hint: Pretty and humorous one.. I always mention her in my blog..) * * * * * * * Make a guess… * * * * * * Ta Ta! We met my buddy, Katie!!! Super coincidental... We didn’t arrange to meet at all. So happen that she is coming down the peak and I’m going up. She claimed that she was thinking of me while hiking up the peak, and the next moment.. I appeared. Haha! ![]() Was dying while hiking half way through.. the slope is steeper than SMU old bukit timah campus, and worst than Bukit Timah hill. Bleh.. Need more exercise.. ![]() But I preserve on… At last I reached the peak, and enjoyed a few rounds of xbox soccer match with Paul in the shopping centre. Haha! ![]() This is my first time perspiring so much during my stay in HK. Haha! Anyway... I made a pact with Joyce (aka Jocelyn, she insisted to be spelt that way… hur hur.. haha!), if we miss the Saturday 7am softball training, then we’ll hike up the peak as a form of exercise. Hehe.. No way are we going to put on weight. Lol! 1:30 AM Saturday, February 10, 2007 Promised my buddy, Katie that I’m going to feature her in my blog today. Haha! =p She was the one who stopped me from slacking the whole Friday afternoon. Lol! Wasn’t prepare to go out till at night with AJJ (Andrea, Justin, Joyce) to Causeway Bay. She called me at 2pm and ask me out to the Stanley Bay.. Well... Although I do have some homework to complete.. but but but… I can always do it another day. How can I possibly turn down my buddy’s goodwill right? Fun comes 1st, study comes 2nd. Haha! And we head down to the Stanley… Yeah! ![]() ![]() Katie is super comical recently. Never fails to entertain me. Haha! Look at the photos… A lot of funny expressions. Didn’t know she is a 超爱演 type. Haha! So like me right, Hazel? Haha! Think the HKU Office of International Student Exchange did a very good job for assigning this buddy to me. Lol! Oh.. Must thank God for that too! ![]() ![]() ![]() Buddy very nice too. Told her that I miss eating fish and she offered to cook steam fish, steam egg for me one day. Haha! I didn’t eat any fish ever since my last trip to Shenzhen. See.. where to find such a nice buddy who will cook for a lazy bum? =p Thanks buddy! After the Stanley trip, I head down to the causeway bay with AJJ. We didn’t buy anything but almost poison by the fish oil! Know why? Cos the fish oil look like tea! *Faintz* We thought that the restaurant provides free float tea… and we refilled our drinks with the fish oil until one of us tasted it!! Haha! Another thing to complain… The 油条 and soya bean drink taste yucky! There is extremely lot of oil oozing out from the油条, basically... it is like drinking oil instead of eating 油条. And the soya bean has a “Chao Da” (burnt) smell… Bad food day… ![]() 1:48 AM Friday, February 9, 2007 This is what we do in Hong Kong University(HKU).. Sleep in lecture.. ![]() See cute guys (the one in the center)... ![]() Meet up with buddy (Me, Andrea, Katie, Justin) ![]() Take photos.. ![]() Lol! and of course study... No picture for that. Guess who is this? My roomy, Wing yi! She is feeding me with chocolate muffin @ 11.30pm!! ![]() My floormate ![]() 12:53 PM Continue… I mentioned in my previous post that the Art faculty rejected my application for the Architecture module. Yesterday, I woke up early in the morning to choose my GE (General Elective) modules. Was checking my email at the same time, and surprisingly I received an email sent by the Architecture professor. “Dear Euguin Tan Qiuxia and Audrea Cristina Ng, I had you listed as rejected from FINE2031 yesterday. However, several students have dropped the course according to the enrollment list I received yesterday afternoon. So in light of your enthusiasm and special situations, I would like to admit you to the course now that there is some more space. Since you have been rejected already, you will have to sign up again. I'm copying this message to our secretary, Ms. YYY, so she will know to approve your application. If you have trouble re-enrolling, please let me know. Best regards, Dr. XXX” Wow… See.. That why I said prayers do work. I got the architecture course as my GE Arts, no need to take another module in SMU. Yesh! 12:34 PM Thursday, February 8, 2007 Miracle do happen when u PRAY.. =) "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" - Matthew 7:7-11 - To be continued... Out for class... 11:11 AM Tuesday, February 6, 2007 Series of events happen today… Spoiler #1 I though I could snug under my quilt till 10am after a long chat with my roomy last night… but I was wrong! The fire alarm went off as early as 8am this morning.. zzz.. And I have to nonchalantly walk down the stairs from the 16th floor to the open space outside the hostel. Zzzz… But thank God I don’t have to climb up the stairs, i took the lift. Haha! Spoiler #2 Found out that I have an “open wound” on my fingers after washing my socks and undergarments last night. Ouch! Guess the washing powder is too strong for my hand. Spoiler #3 Didn’t get my architecture course… the Art faculty rejected my application. Zzz… Have to find another GE Arts or Science before Friday else I’ll have to join Crystaline for GE class in SMU next term. Babe, i know you are waiting for that. Lol! New friend, Paul Joyce found a lost soul in HKU. He is from NTU and the only one in his school that applied to this university. We, the AJJE (Andrea, Justin, Joyce, Euquin) and Feon brought him to a home-cook restaurant for lunch. =) ![]() Paul = The guy in pink --------------------------- Updates on my Shen Zhen trip This is my super tall cousin… 190cm ![]() And his wife, my cousin-in-law (大嫂). ![]() Felt very pampered by them. Everything that I bought were paid either by my cousin or大嫂. My meal was fully sponsored too. We went to a high class Japanese restaurant for dinner on Saturday night, and tried out the Sheesha also known as 水烟 in a pub, “yum cha” with his in-laws the next morning, and had seafood at night. ![]() The SheeSha ![]() We are "smoking" Btw, guess what my 大嫂 parent gave me as their first meeting gift (见面礼)? They gave me $200RMB.. Felt so weird. I never receive monetary gift from China Chinese before. But thank God for that anyway! After this solo trip (without AJJ) from HK to Shen Zhen, I realized that my knowledge on Chinese characters is super limited. I can’t read a lot of Chinese words. Hai~ Need to buck up on that. Oh, and I realized I’m definitely more daring and independent now. =) 11:15 PM |
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