Wednesday, January 31, 2007 Shopping for classes from 930am to 6pm is a super tedious job. It requires a lot of physical strength and mental power to stay awake in class and climb the stairs. I even have to grab my sandwich and hot chocolate while on the run with Andrea. Anyway… my efforts pay off... Thank God, that I found 3 modules that I’m interested in. Had a “reunion” dinner appointment with Irene just now in Causeway Bay at 7pm.. Guess what.. I’m not that smart after all.. Alighted at the wrong bus stop, ended up in Wan Chai, and then took a MTR to Causeway.. lol! Think I need more training from Katie! haha! Anyway, have to thank Irene, cos she paid for the dinner. Thank babe! ![]() 1:20 AM Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Hazel said something just now... "not in sch, no quin ard, not a patron anymore"... Suddenly felt so "emo", miss my gang, family and friends.. zzzz... Miss mapling too.. Heard from Hazzie that there is a new map called the Shanghai, so envy.. they can explore that place. Hai~ If i have connection, bet i'll be playing with es88 till super late again. haha! Back to Hollywood movie module, quite an interesting module. Get to watch movies and write journals. A very slack course. I like it. haha! The 3 rd lesson, Economic Development of China, very heavy module, with all the economic terminology and graph... Can't understand what the prof is talking about too. Thus, I have decided.. I'm going to drop that course. Another long day tomorrow.. Have to continue my "class shopping" with Andrea. zzzz... 12:41 AM Monday, January 29, 2007 My 1st lesson of the day, Corporate Finance, is actually a replicate of Finance which I had taken in SMU. Almost the same ppt, and exactly the same textbook!! I tried choosing more advance Finance module such as the Portfolio Analysis, but HKU won’t allow me to do so, they rejected my application. Hai~… I’ll just take it as a recap lesson to solidify my Finance foundation then. The professor is a bit long winded as compared to the one in SMU. But she gave a better illustration and example of each term. Lol! Guess what.. As I’m blogging right now, a lot of students are sleeping and talking. Quite disturbing, very different from SMU. The lecture notes given here is quite brief, still prefer Jeremy Goh’s note. Another 1.5 hours to go.. Next lesson will be Movieland: America on Hollywood’s big screen. 11:27 AM Sunday, January 28, 2007 Just finished planning my timetable with AJJ (Andrea, Justin and Joyce),.. People, pray for me k? Pray that I will get all the modules that I want and my Friday will be free from lectures and tutorials, and then I’ll have a long weekend! Haha! Went to Sha Tin Horse Racing Course this afternoon with AJJ, Fione, Nian Long from NUS-HKU, and other NUS-CUHK people. Nothing spectacular about the race course.. Just horse racing, and a lot of old uncles and aunties punttering. Zzzz.. ![]() I bought a new face moisturizer, sun block and a face mask just now to improve my complexion. My face was quite pale this afternoon, dunno why. Perhaps, it was due to the “hangover” from yesterday excitement. Oh.. And I got bruises on my legs too. But my face is super red now, maybe I laugh too hard in the pantry just now with AJJ. Wing witness that. I heeded everyone advice, drank lots of water and applied lots of face moisturizer already. But my face is still very red.. Worst come to worst, I’ll consult Abbie or Katie if my complexion don’t get better. They are from the medicine and nursing faculty anyway. 11:59 PM 5th day in HK and it is all about fun and fun and more fun. Went out with my buddy to the HK Carnival in Admiralty. It was my first time traveling alone without my SMU friends. Lol! I must admit, I’m getting better with the bus route. Manage to alight at the right bus stop and found Katie in less than a minute (or rather.. she found me.. ). The carnival is almost similar to the UK funfair in Singapore, except that there are more up-side-down rides and roller coasters. Played a lot of those, and currently im having a “hang over”… Not from any alcoholic drinks but from all those rides.. Pretty bad.. My head is still spinning as im blogging. Lol! Took lots of pictures with Katie too.. Super funny girl, very innocent and naïve too.. Innocent than Crystaline, sweeter than Fangyu. Lol! Anyway, we played some stall games, and won a Donald duck and a tiger.. Well since im older.. “大让小” I gave the better looking Donald duck to the little girl. Haha! I’m nice right? Crystaline and Fangyu will definitely agree with me.. lol! ![]() ![]() Took this video when I'm on a roller coaster. Btw.. I'm not the one who scream.. Was laughing throughout the whole ride. haha! After the whole carnival thing, I went to The Vine with Abbie, Daryl’s girlfriend. The Vine, is actually a church-café look alike. They named the auditorium as the tabernacle, and the praise and worship ambience is much like City Harvest without the extravagant lightings and sound effects and large LCD in the front. Not a bad place, the people there are super friendly just like those in my church. One thing that I observed about the people (mostly international) that I talk to there, they LOVE Singaporeans! (I don’t know why…) And they know how to speak in Singaporean accent!!! All because of the I NOT STUPID movie. Lol! 1:12 AM Saturday, January 27, 2007 4 days without mapling.. No replied from the MS Technical support since I last email them about the connection to Maplesea on Tuesday.. Super inefficient! Guess I’m slowly getting out of my MS addiction. No more es88, jedisoul and 4maelstrom, zhugeliang wand, calaf… This morning orientation was rather boring.. skip.. not goin to talk about that.. Went shopping again in the afternoon.. We (Andre, Joyce, Justin and me) went back to MongKok again cos justin wanna get the jacket that he had been eyeing since yesterday. Lol! Joyce and I got another winter wear too. Cost around $20++ Sing.. Quite worth it. Conclusion, clothing in HK is much cheaper than Sg and it more fashionable. Zzzz… 12:46 AM Friday, January 26, 2007 Once again.. I'm super grateful to my dearest buddy, Katie. It was very kind of her to bring us (Me, Justin and Joyce) out this morning for egg tarts, yum cha and then to MongKok. She was the best buddy i ever met, so helpful and thoughtful. Even call me after her yoga lesson to check if I’m lost in HK again. Lol! Bet she must be giggling when she read this. lol! It wasn't a good day for Justin, he was having a bad stomach upset.. He had to leave early and return to the hostel to rest. (Justin, may you get well soon!!) Joyce and i continued our shopping adventure! After Mongkok and all the byebye, we took the MTR to Causeway Bay. Went on our crazy shopping spree again, and we bought a pair of "made from Korea" jean, quite nice, very hip, but it cost us $70!! It's NOT cheap at all. Went to another cafe and had our early dinner... Another mishap occurred.. Joyce lost her handphone. Guess it was pick pocketed while we were busy shopping either in MongKok or in Causeway Bay.. People.. Please beware of pickpocket! Reached the hostel rather early... around 9pm++. Had a long chat with my roomy, Wing till around 12plus. She is now in bed, sleeping soundly and i continue with my blogging. Lol! Realised something common about my roomy and buddy.. Observation #1 They both love drawing Observation #2 They both laugh in the same manner. Lol! Anyway.. Still wanna thank God for placing these new friends in my life!!! 1:05 AM Thursday, January 25, 2007 Before i go on blabbering about the things happened on the 2nd days, there are several people whom i wanna thank God for... Thank God for blessing me a great, helpful and pretty buddy, Katie. When i say pretty, she is confirmed 100% pretty. She looks like “白衣天使“。Definitely a blessing from God. Without her, i wouldn't have completed my university exchange registration, and gotten my internet and mobile phone connection all done within the 1st day. She is my street directory too. Was actually lost in Central (Central is in HongKong Island) just now, and thank God i managed to contact my buddy and found my way back to the hostel before 12am. She is very hospitable too. Always ask me which places I want to visit, and offered to bring us (Me, Andrea, Justin and Joyce) around despite of her busy schedule. ![]() My 1st neighbour that i met on the first day, Cindy, Rm 1605!! Guess what, she is super helpful and thoughtful too. I bought a quilt from a society club, and when the quilt was delivered to my room, Cindy commented that the quilt is too thin to survive for the night! She offered to lend me her room mate's quilt instead. So sweet right? Lol! Everyone that i met seems to be friendly and approachable, nothing nasty happened to me yet.. Thank God for the favour of man! Back track abit, after my first day in HK (yesterday), i realised that Singaporeans are super pampered! Do you know for me to reach my faculty from my hostel, Starr Hall, i have to climb NUMEROUS fleets of stairs and also STEEP slope? It is killing me! My legs hurts alot after a day of "Work Out". Lol! And i found out something terrible yesterday.. I can't play Maple Story! So devastated... No television programme, no Maple Story.. I missed my MS buddy and guild, es88, jedisoul, 4maelstrom, dorados etc.... No more mapling for me..... Hai~... How i wish school will start soon, then it will keep me busy... ![]() Tired.. 1:12 AM |
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